On the 26th of September, I joined the 3rd Annual ‘INSPIRE & IMPACT TOGETHER’ Summit organized by Polaris Network. The theme of this year’s event was ‘Leadership Championing Sustainability’. It was great! We had the opportunity to learn first-hand how to lead your business and yourself towards a more sustainable future. A diverse panel of the brightest and most inspiring sustainability leaders shared their stories, best practice examples & motivated audience to get started their journey towards sustainable leadership.
I had a pleasure to support the wonderful group of ladies and lead the workshop on Impostor Syndrome, the phenomenon where people feel like they don’t deserve their accomplishments. Internally they feel like a fraud or they worry that one day someone will find out that they are not good enough. It hurts their happiness, emotional and mental health, as well as careers, businesses, and the impact they were born to make. And we don’t want that, do we!? Even many high-achieving women tend to believe they are not competent and that they are over-evaluated by others (i.a. Sheryl Sandberg, Maya Angelou, Meryl Streep). We learned how to overcome it and thrive.
Big thanks to the organizers Ingrid Veling Zdenka Aatje Julia Jelinska & the entire Polaris team, speakers, coaches, moderators for sharing your wisdom on e.g. circularity reality, mindfulness, Outward Mindset theory and making this world a better and happier place to live! It was my honour to be with you on that day! I love my job!! See you next year.