Academy For Personal Development – the advanced 5-module training project (numerous editions)

The 5-modules advanced project was designed for women who are determined, ambitious and ready to achieve more in life, business and career. Women who desire to:

*  become confident in designated areas
*  learn how to stop basing their values on external factors
*  learn how to care for themselves
*  learn how to celebrate successes
*  learn how to expand their comfort zone
*  learn how to properly communicate with people
*  be assertive, talk and think about themselves well, express their opinion in a way so that they don’t hurt others and achieve what they want and also learn to communicate dissatisfaction without throwing responsibility & blame on others
* discover their values and talents and learn how to use them properly, to be a more conscious and fulfilled and to feel the inner consistency between what they think and do to make it easier for them to make the right choices in life
*  learn how to put their own needs ahead of those of others
*  learn how to pierce dreams into reality, correctly define goals and use a useful coaching model that will help them achieve these
*  learn how to motivate themselves and ask the right questions that will allow them to stay on course to their goals

The project is a series of training workshops conducted by Alena Hielema – a sociologist, coach, trainer and, above all, a woman passionate about life lived to a full potential. The project aims to strengthen women’s faith in their abilities and increase the self-awareness needed to make mature decisions and move forward in personal & professional life and business.

There were 4 editions run so far & we are looking forward to having many more women who get inspired and move further, reaching their full potential.

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