
Minimizing Your Position/Work

I got inspired to write this article by a recent session with my client, who said, “I only supervise five people & don’t feel much influential’. So, I asked her how many people did she need to be under her supervision to feel more powerful and influential? No immediate answer…

Let me tell you something: I heard so many women responding to the question “What do you do?” with a self-deprecating answer, like, e.g. ‘I just kind of manage an office’. And yes, for a long time I was one of them, too, saying ‘I’m only a management assistant” revealing a feeling of embarrassment or lack of pride in what I did. And it paralyzed me from getting to the next level and sounding like a brand someone would be interested in learning more about. It took me some time to understand that it doesn’t define me, it’s not finite, and if you feel like that, YOU don’t have to suffer from it, my dear! 

It is good to start with understanding that every job in every single organization is critical to its operation. Period. That’s why you are there. Identifying why your business needs you is crucial to market your brand accurately!

And very often, women have diminished their brands because they bought into what other people have said about them or their roles. I was there, too, despite my education, skills & experience! STOP listening to what other people say, comparing yourself to others and start making a plan towards where you want to be.

Thomas Carlyle said,
‘Regardless of what you do, be proud of it and describe it in a way that allows others to see that pride and, in turn, builds your personal brand’


I want to share with you some tips that can easily be incorporated into your social and business skills. Hope it helps!

  • ​Stop allowing others to place a value on the work you do. Only you can do that!!
  • Whether you manage others or assist managers for living, do it and describe it with pride. Your attitude will bring you higher!
  • Remove minimizing words from the description of your work.

 And my question to you is, What do you do? And do you say it with pride or not?

If you feel that you need assistance in the process of getting rid of what is standing in your way to lead from the inside out, check what I can do for you and schedule a complimentary call,

Photo by Abigail Keenan on Unsplash

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