
Developing Confidence

I’ve been working recently with some corporate female professionals on building confidence in the areas they lack it which made me sharing this with you. All three of them asked me how I built the confidence they see and experience in me on regular basis. This is a compliment but, hey, I am like many of you out there, I guess and have a lot of self-doubts, and worry about not being “good enough,” sometimes even “too much,” fearful of rejection, failure (sometimes even success!) every single day.

It also happens to me that I procrastinate as a result of it. Sounds familiar?

But one of the things I do to fight this is helping others as much as I can, using my potential, skills, and experience. Which means I need to get out of my comfort zone all the time having in mind that I need to take action in order to get better, more competent and be more of service. No more no less. And I follow in the confidence competence loop which means that to build the confidence you just simply need to start trying. Yes, confidence in the decision to try. When you try you succeed or survive, you just learn with small steps and by learning you build a skill needed. And my dear, when you build a skill you just simply grow your competency. The more you gain competency the lower your anxiety and nervousness levels are! Yes! Because you are learning it! And this way you gain confidence. Step by step. You can’t think your way through it. Unfortunately. Building confidence is just taking action and a willingness to try! And remember, you always have a choice – to try or not to try!

Do you have any area are you lacking confidence in? 
Imagine what you could achieve if you had unshakeable confidence? 

I’m looking forward to your comments and tips you share with us! And if there is anything I can help you with on that matter, don’t hesitate to contact me. Anytime.

To your success,

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